Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 Part Ad Campaign

This shoot turned out to be so much fun. I got do team up with a fellow student that happens to be a fabulous photographer and wonderful person. This was the first time I had ever art directed a photo shoot so I really had no idea what to do, all I knew was what I wanted for the end result. Trevor was a huge help and took so many great pictures. The make up was done by Alessandra Rose (model in top picture) and she hit the nail on the head for what I wanted. The assignment is a 5 part ad campaign. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a fashion based concept. These three images will be magazine ads for Aveda Cosmetics. 2 similar photos will be used for transit and bus stops. I can't thank Trevor and the girls enough, I can't wait to do more in the future!

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